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美[kætʃ, kɛtʃ]

vt.& vi.(使)被钩住,(使)被卡住
过去式:caught  过去式:caught  过去式:catching  过去式:catches  

1 . He missed the catch and the match was lost.



2 . The teapot came with a stand to catch the drips.



3 . The white sails billow with the breezes they catch .



4 . They skip rope and play catch, waiting for the bell.



5 . Most late developers will catch up with their friends.




catch on

1 . 理解;察觉

catch out

2 . 侦测错误:侦测(另一人)正在犯错的行为或过程

catch up

3 . 抢夺

catch someone napping

4 . 见 nap

be caught shortcatch at strawscatch one's breath

5 . (激动得)停止呼吸;屏息

catch one's death (of cold)catch someone's eye

6 . 被看到

catch fire (或 light)

7 . 着火,燃烧

catch someone in the catcatch lightcatch the light

8 . (在光线中)发光,闪光

catch sight of

9 . 撞见;瞥见

catch the sun

10 . 向阳的

you wouldn't catch — doing something

11 . (非正式)不可能做某事

catch on informal 非正式

12 . (做法,时装款式)流行;风行

catch someone out

13 . (英)发现某人做坏事(或犯错误)

catch up with

14 . 与(有段时间未曾相见的人)交谈(以了解其在这段时间里做了什么)

catch someone up

15 . 赶上,追上

catch something up

16 . 慌忙拾起某物


catch fire

1 . 燃着

catch it【非正式用语】

2 . 接受惩罚或责备

catch (one's) breath

3 . 喘口气,休息一下:为继续从事项活动而休息

同义词vt.1.抓住;逮住;捕捉”释义下的同义词 snare net arrest rope apprehend snatch capture grab trap seize take 2.撞见,偶然发觉”释义下的同义词 surprise discover 反义词vt.1.抓住;赶上;理解”释义下的同义词 free release lose miss 语源Middle English (also in the sense chase): from Anglo-Norman French and Old Northern French cachier, variant of Old French chacier, based on Latin captaretry to catch, from caperetake英英释义行业释义网络释义noun

1.a hidden drawback;

it sounds good but what's the catch?

2.the quantity that was caught;

the catch was only 10 fish

3.a person regarded as a good matrimonial prospect

4.anything that is caught (especially if it is worth catching);

he shared his catch with the others

5.a break or check in the voice (usually a sign of strong emotion)

6.a restraint that checks the motion of something;

he used a book as a stop to hold the door open

7.a fastener that fastens or locks a door or window

8.a cooperative game in which a ball is passed back and forth;

he played catch with his son in the backyard

9.the act of catching an object with the hands;

Mays made the catch with his back to the plate

10. the act of apprehending (especially apprehending a criminal);

the policeman on the beat got credit for the collar


1.discover or come upon accidentally, suddenly, or unexpectedly; catch somebody doing something or in a certain state;

She caught her son eating candy

2.perceive with the senses quickly, suddenly, or momentarily;

I caught the aroma of coffee

3.reach with a blow or hit in a particular spot;

the rock caught her in the back of the head

4.take hold of so as to seize or restrain or stop the motion of;

Catch the ball!

5.succeed in catching or seizing, especially after a chase;

We finally got the suspect

6.to hook or entangle;

One foot caught in the stirrup

7.attract and fix;

His look caught her

8.capture as if by hunting, snaring, or trapping;

I caught a rabbit in the trap toady

9.reach in time;

I have to catch a train at 7 o'clock

10. get or regain something necessary, usually quickly or briefly;

Catch some sleep

11. catch up with and possibly overtake;

The Rolls Royce caught us near the exit ramp

12. be struck or affected by;

catch fire

13. check oneself during an action;

She managed to catch herself before telling her boss what was on her mind

14. hear, usually without the knowledge of the speakers;

We overheard the conversation at the next table

15. see or watch;

view a show on television

16. cause to become accidentally or suddenly caught, ensnared, or entangled;

I caught the hem of my dress in the brambles

17. detect a blunder or misstep;

The reporter tripped up the senator

18. grasp with the mind or develop an undersatnding of;

did you catch that allusion?

19. contract;

did you catch a cold?

20. start burning;

The fire caught

21. perceive by hearing;

I didn't catch your name

22. suffer from the receipt of;

She will catch hell for this behavior!

23. attract; cause to be enamored;

She captured all the men's hearts

24. apprehend and reproduce accurately;

She really caught the spirit of the place in her drawings

25. take in and retain;

We have a big barrel to catch the rainwater

26. spread or be communicated;

The fashion did not catch

27. be the catcher;

Who is catching?

28. become aware of;

he caught her staring out the window

29. delay or hold up; prevent from proceeding on schedule or as planned;

I was caught in traffic and missed the meeting







2. 攫握器



2. 在天然水域采捕的水生动物。






1 . 抓住

...7.卖买sale buy8.抓住catch9.开关open close.

2 . 捕捉


3 . 赶上

4. 伤风、感冒catchvt. 抓住,握住;赶上(车、船等);听懂;引起(注意或兴趣);染上,感染catchup with 赶上

4 . 赶

见到catch,就不由得想起Catch MeifyouCan,大家一定都不陌生,它就是一部由Leonardo Dicaprio主演的电影《猫鼠游戏》。catch的基本意思是:“捕捉,捉住,抓住;赶上(.

相关词条+catch fire

1 . 着火

...find fault埋怨挑剔catch fire着火come/go into force生效实施.

+catch as catch

1 . 自由式

cat walk 猫行catch as catch 自由式catcher 接手;接球员

+catch handler catch

1 . 处理程序

catch block catch 块catch handler catch 处理程序category 类别

+catch as catch can

1 . 用一切办法

catch a weasel asleep 乘人不备catch as catch can 用一切办法catch at a straw 捞救命稻草
