英语频道小编caroline整理了英语单词carful的学习资料,关于carful是什么意思这个问题进行了详细的讲解,包括carful的英语意思解释、正确音标读音及发音、用法,carful的英文短句例句含义讲解等与英文单词carful相关的信息。 carful英['kɑ:fʊl]美['kɑ:fʊl]n.一车之量网络一车之量;仔细的 双语例句 1 . When you slam, you should is carful not to hold the ball. 当你扣球时你必须小心不要持球太久. 来自互联网 2 . We took a carful to the drive - in movies last night. 昨晚,我们(挤得满满的)一大车人去了(露天)汽车影院(看电影). 来自互联网 网络释义 -carful1 . 一车之量 3. cargadorcarful一车之量cargo list 装船清单 2 . 仔细的 温州市2010年中考英语词汇表---蛋糕打一体育明星 ... care v./n.对.在意,对.计较 *carfuladj.小心的;仔细的 *careless adj.粗心的;疏忽的. 相关词条+cars :1 . 小汽车的 but because of a loophole in the 1975 fuel-economy law , today's trucks are allowed to meet a more relaxed standard on miles per gallon than cars : 20.7 vs. 27.5 on average .但是由于1975年的节省燃料法中的一个漏洞,如今的卡车每加仑汽油行驶里程只需超过20.7英里,这比小汽车的27.5英里要宽松得多了。 +car -1 . 一款车型 the Continental was an impressive car - and it still is - but people weren't ready to spend that kind of cash for Detroit metal .“大陆”确实曾经是令人印象深刻的一款车型,目前仍然是,但是人们并不准备为底特律制作的这堆铁花那个价钱。 +car :1 . 车车 Badoer on next year's car :' Next year we'll see a different Ferrari , everything will change with KERS and the aerodynamic taken off .娘子说,明年我们会看到不一样的红车车,在丢掉空气动力学套件并加上KERS之后全部都得推翻重来。 +cars --1 . 汽车外 and there are no government regulations for the recall of products other than cars -- though rules for recalls of hazardous toys and unsafe food are expected to be in place as soon as year end .虽然针对玩具和食品召回的规定预计最早将在年内实施,但除了汽车外,目前还没有专门的部门负责处理召回事务。 |