英语频道小编erika整理了英语单词cage的学习资料,关于cage是什么意思这个问题进行了详细的讲解,包括cage的英语意思解释、正确音标读音及发音、用法,cage的英文短句例句含义讲解等与英文单词cage相关的信息。 cage英[keɪdʒ]美[kedʒ]n.笼子;牢房;升降车;[棒]练球场vt.把…关入牢中;把…关进笼内;把(冰球等)打入球门 网络笼;笼子里;保持架;笼子 词形变化: 复数:cages 复数:caged 复数:caged 复数:caging 复数:cages 双语例句同反义词更多资料 1 . He opened up a cage and lifted out a 6ft python. 他打开笼子,拎出一条6英尺长的蟒蛇。 来自柯林斯例句 2 . Cage changed his name to deflect accusations of nepotism. 凯奇改了名字以避免别人指责他搞裙带关系。 来自柯林斯例句 3 . If he's trying to rattle your cage, it's working. 如果他存心要让你不得安宁的话,那他是得逞了。 来自柯林斯例句 4 . wire mesh over the door of the cage 罩在笼子门上的铁丝网 来自《权威词典》 5 . The tiger in the cage gave a thrilling cry. 笼子里的老虎发出了令人毛骨悚然的吼声. 来自《简明英汉词典》 同义词n.1.框架”释义下的同义词 scaffold skeleton shell framework 2.笼子,围栏,兽栏,监牢”释义下的同义词 corral prison aviary lockup receptacle mew enclosure pound trap crawl dungeon pen jail crib v.3.囚禁”释义下的同义词 up confine lock in imprison jail intern trap restrain shut incarcerate mew pen impound immure coop enclose encage corral 语源Middle English: via Old French from Latin cavea 图片英英释义行业释义网络释义常用俚语 enclosure made or wire or metal bars in which birds or animals are kept 2.something that restricts freedom as a cage restricts movement 3.the net that is the goal in ice hockey 4.a movable screen placed behind home base to catch balls during batting practice vern1.confine in a cage; The animal was caged 体育1.球篮 2. 投篮 3. 篮球运动 4. 室内练习场 5. 球门 6. 抄子 7. 挡网 8. 棒球练习馆 医学1.箱,笼,护架,支架 土木工程1.罐笼 煤炭1.罐笼 2. 装运矿车、人员、物料等的提升容器。 -cage1 . 笼 caffeic acid 咖啡酸cage笼cagewheel 笼式加宽轮 2 . 笼子里 How do you get 3,000 interdependent creatures into a cage, alive ?, 你要怎么做 , 才能把 3 , 000 个互相依存的生物塞到笼子里去 -- 还得是活着的? 3 . 保持架 包角 angle of contact保持架 cage背对背安装 back-to-back arrangement 4 . 笼子 ...笼篰,竹笼和小竹篓,笼屉,蒸笼, ⑸饲养鸟,虫,家禽等的笼子,cage, 闭以雕笼,祢衡,鹦鹉赋, 以天下为之笼,则雀无所逃,庄子·庚桑楚. 相关词条+cage antenna1 . 笼形天线 0 H 时,天线方向系数 D 与臂长 l 的关系曲线。 1.2 笼形天线(Cage Antenna) 双极天线的输入阻抗随频率变化较大,是一种窄频带天线。为了展宽带宽,可采用加粗. +batting cage1 . 棒球打击练习场 中文:棒球打击练习场;英语:Batting cage;日语:バッティングセンター; +cages (1 . 融合器 objective . to investigate analytically the effects of additional PSF to the anterior lumbar interbody fusion ( ALIF ) with the cylindrical cages ( Ray TFC ) in the immediate postoperative state目的:研究附加钉棒固定至圆柱融合器前腰椎间融合术术后即时状态效果 +cage motor1 . 鼠笼式电动机 cage mast 桁格桅cage motor 鼠笼式电动机cage motor 鼠笼式转子 1.Is something rattling your rage? 什么事叫你这么起劲? 2.I'm going into his office and rattle his cage. 我要去他的办公室大闹他一场。 |