英语频道小编angela整理了英语单词butachlor的学习资料,关于butachlor是什么意思这个问题进行了详细的讲解,包括butachlor的英语意思解释、正确音标读音及发音、用法,butachlor的英文短句例句含义讲解等与英文单词butachlor相关的信息。 butachlor美[bju:'tæklɔ:]去草胺网络去草胺;丁草胺;丁基拉草;去草胺标准品 双语例句 1 . Under the same chromatographic condition, gas chromatography quantitative analysis of the butachlor and simetryne were discribed. 首次报道了丁草胺和西草净在同一色谱条件下的气相色谱定量分析. 来自互联网 2 . Sensitivity of the week seedling to butachlor is higher than the sound one. 水稻弱苗对丁草胺的敏感性高于壮苗. 来自互联网 3 . The soil microbial biomass was not significantly affected by atrazine and butachlor at the same dose. 相同浓度的阿特拉津和丁草胺对水稻土微生物生物量影响不明显. 来自互联网 4 . The article studies inductive effect of erythrocytes nucleus of the toad, Bufo gargarizans by herbicide butachlor . 本文研究除草剂丁革胺对蟾蜍红细胞核的诱变效应. 来自互联网 5 . The primary impurities in butachlor technical were quantified by gas chromatography - mass spectrometry ( GC - MS ). 利用气相色谱 - 质谱联用 ( GC-MS ) 技术对丁草胺原药中的主要杂质进行定性分析. 来自互联网 网络释义 -butachlor1 . 去草胺 2. Butacidebutachlor去草胺butaclamol 布他拉莫 2 . 丁草胺 敌草隆(diuron)184丁草胺(butachlor)185毒草胺(propachlor)189 3 . 丁基拉草 butachlor+oxadiazon丁拉乐灭草butachlor丁基拉草butralin比达宁 4 . 去草胺标准品 去草胺标准品 ( BUTACHLOR )的详细介绍 相关词条+and butachlor1 . 和丁草胺 toxicity influence of dichlorvos and butachlor on rana guentheri tadpoles ., 敌敌畏和丁草胺对沼蛙蝌蚪的毒性影响. +butachlor stress1 . 丁草胺胁迫 response of nostoc sphaeroides to butachlor stress ., 葛仙米对丁草胺胁迫的响应. +butachlor on1 . 丁草胺对 toxicity influence of dichlorvos and butachlor on rana guentheri tadpoles ., 敌敌畏和丁草胺对沼蛙蝌蚪的毒性影响. |