英语频道小编dannis整理了英语单词burn的学习资料,关于burn是什么意思这个问题进行了详细的讲解,包括burn的英语意思解释、正确音标读音及发音、用法,burn的英文短句例句含义讲解等与英文单词burn相关的信息。 burn英[bɜ:n]美[bɜ:rn]vt.& vi.& link-v.(使)燃烧vt.& vi.使用某物为燃料;烧毁;烧坏;烧伤 n.烧伤,烧痕 网络烧伤;烧;灼伤;烧焦 词形变化: 复数:burns 复数:burnt 复数:burned 复数:burnt 复数:burned 复数:burning 复数:burns 双语例句词组习语同反义词更多资料 1 . The power stations burn coal from the Ruhr region. 发电站烧的煤产自鲁尔地区。 来自柯林斯例句 2 . He was a high-earning broker with money to burn . 他是高收入的经纪人,有花不完的钱。 来自柯林斯例句 3 . Watch them carefully as they finish cooking because they can burn easily. 就要做好时得小心看着,因为它们很容易烧糊。 来自柯林斯例句 4 . Traditional slash and burn farming methods have exhausted the soil. 传统的刀耕火种农业方式耗尽了土地的肥力。 来自柯林斯例句 5 . He might burn himself out and go to an early grave. 他可能会因为劳累过度而英年早逝。 来自柯林斯例句 常用词典burn out 1 . 烧尽,烧光:因缺乏燃料而停止燃烧 burn up 2 . 使生气,使发怒 be burned at the stake 3 . (史)施火刑 burn one's boats (或 bridges) 4 . 破釜沉舟 burn the candle at both ends 5 . 晚睡早起;超负荷工作 burn (北美亦作lay) rubber 6 . (非正式)飞速驾车 go for the burn 7 . (非正式)(运动时躯体)伸展到极限 a slow burn 8 . (非正式)怒火慢慢腾起 with money burning in a hole of one's pocket 9 . 有钱就想花;大手大脚 burn something down (或 burn down) 10 . (建筑物)(被)焚为平地,烧得精光 burn something in/into 11 . 打烙印 burn something off 12 . 烧掉某物 burn oneself out 13 . 积劳成疾;(超时工作而)把身体搞坏 burn someone out 14 . (用火烧毁某人的房屋)使某人无家可归 burn something out 15 . 烧毁…的内部 burn someone up 16 . (北美,非正式)使愤怒 习惯用语burn (one's) bridges 1 . 破釜沉舟:消除返回或撤退的可能性 burn the candle at both ends 或 burn one's candle at both ends 2 . 耗费精力:通过令人兴奋的或奢侈的生活来耗尽某人的精力或财力 burn the midnight oil 3 . 熬夜:工作或学习到深夜 to burn 4 . 大量,许多 同义词 flare blaze flame fire extinguish 语源Old English birnanbe on fire and baernanconsume by fire, both from the same Germanic base; related to German brennenOld English burna, burn(e), of Germanic origin; related to Dutch bronand German Brunnenwell英英释义行业释义网络释义常用俚语 noun1.pain that feels hot as if it were on fire 2.a browning of the skin resulting from exposure to the rays of the sun 3.an injury cause by exposure to heat or chemicals or radiation 4.a burned place or area 5.damage inflicted by burning vern1.destroy by fire; They burned the house and his diaries 2.shine intensely, as if with heat; The coals were glowing in the dark 3.undergo combustion; Maple wood burns well 4.cause a sharp or stinging pain or discomfort; The sun burned his face 5.cause to burn or combust; The sun burned off the fog 6.feel strong emotion, especially anger or passion; She was burning with anger 7.cause to undergo combustion; burn garbage 8.burn at the stake; Witches were burned in Salem 9.spend (significant amounts of money); He has money to burn 10. feel hot or painful; My eyes are burning 11. burn, sear, or freeze (tissue) using a hot iron or electric current or a caustic agent; The surgeon cauterized the wart 12. get a sunburn by overexposure to the sun 13. create by duplicating data; cut a disk 14. use up (energy); burn off calories through vigorous exercise 15. burn with heat, fire, or radiation; The iron burnt a hole in my dress 医学1.灼伤,烧伤:组织接触干热(火)、湿热(蒸汽或热水)、化学品(如腐蚀物)、电(电流或雷电)、摩擦、辐射或电磁能所致的损伤。Ⅰ度灼伤皮肤发红 2.Ⅱ度灼伤形成水疱 3.Ⅲ度灼伤全层皮肤坏死。Ⅰ度和Ⅱ度灼伤称部分厚度灼伤,Ⅲ度灼伤则称全层厚度灼伤 药学1.烧伤 2. 受火焰烧灼、热水烫、化学物品及放射性物质侵害皮肤所致疾病。 -burn1 . 烧伤 ...化学物质或电引起的组织损伤,目录1烧伤的定义2症状3烧伤烧伤处理愈后1烧伤的定义烧伤(burn),由火焰、高温固体、强热辐射、化学物质或电引起的人体组织损伤称之为烧伤. 2 . 烧 24.用瓮(urn)盛着烧(burn)谷粒(curn)。25. 3 . 灼伤 萤光支镜(fluorescence)灼伤 : 呼吸道灼伤(burn)或吸入性呛伤之评估(inhalation)胸部外伤 4 . 烧焦 bump toe-in (车轮)前束改变burn【动】①燃烧,点着②烧焦,烧毁burnishing powder 抛光粉 相关词条+thermal burn flash burn1 . 热烧伤 thermal breeding 热中子增殖thermal burn flash burn 热烧伤thermal capacity 热容量 +burn baby burn1 . 火热的宝贝 各自的单曲唱片,《火热的宝贝》(Burn Baby Burn)和《太阳上的七天》 +burning )1 . 烧灼法 sites of bleeding can be identified and controlled by injecting certain medications or coagulating ( burning ) the bleeding vessels .可以用注射药物或者采用烧灼法凝结出血的血管来处理发现的出血点。 +burned children during burn1 . 小儿烧伤 To summarize nursing observation of burned children during burn shock stage ., 总结小儿烧伤休克期护理观察. 1.It is eight months since his wife burned her foot. 他妻子已怀孕八个月了。 |