英语频道小编astrid整理了英语单词brutishness的学习资料,关于brutishness是什么意思这个问题进行了详细的讲解,包括brutishness的英语意思解释、正确音标读音及发音、用法,brutishness的英文短句例句含义讲解等与英文单词brutishness相关的信息。 brutishness网络粗暴网络释义 -brutishness 1 . 粗暴 brutish 肉欲的, brutishness粗暴, brutishness残忍 相关词条+brutish conditions1 . 牛马不如的环境 The poor people lived in brutish conditions ., 穷苦的人生活在牛马不如的环境中. +brutish behaviour1 . 鲁莽行为 but its brutish behaviour will probably backfire .但是这种鲁莽行为可能让俄国自食其果。 +brutish methods1 . 野蛮的做法 Though Screed was not initially impressed with such brutish methods , he kept an open mind ., 斯克里德虽然一开始对这种野蛮的做法不以为然 , 但也并不介意. +brutish dog1 . 只猎狗 unperturbed , some yaks and goats quietly graze , while a brutish dog goes berserk , tugging dementedly at a rope in an effort to get and kill me .镇定自若的牦牛与山羊静静地吃着草,一只猎狗疯狂地叫着,拼命地拽着绳子,要吃了我似的。 |