英语频道小编beryl整理了英语单词bespread的学习资料,关于bespread是什么意思这个问题进行了详细的讲解,包括bespread的英语意思解释、正确音标读音及发音、用法,bespread的英文短句例句含义讲解等与英文单词bespread相关的信息。 bespread英[bɪsp'red]美[bɪsp'red]vt.铺满,铺盖网络铺满;铺盖 词形变化: 过去式:bespread 过去式:bespread 过去式:bespreading 过去式:bespreads 双语例句 1 . Double side probe plates : Test pads can bespread on both sides of PCB for convenient PCB layout. 上下针板结构: 测试点可双面选点,方便电路板布线设计. 来自互联网 网络释义 -bespread1 . 铺满 bespoken 预约bespread铺满besprent 撒满的 2 . 铺盖 bespoken, bespokebespread铺盖bespread 相关词条+bespread ceramic tile1 . 铺满瓷砖 do not think the space that ambry backside holds off also is lost sight of anyway , make wall bare wear , answer to also want to bespread ceramic tile in ambry backside however .不要以为橱柜背后挡住的空间反正也看不见,就让墙壁裸露着,而是应在橱柜背后也要铺满瓷砖。 +a paddy field bespread with young rice plants1 . 一块铺满秧苗的稻田 4. a paddy field bespread with young rice plants 一块铺满秧苗的稻田5. The farmers set out the young sprouts in the rice fields. 农民在稻田里. |