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过去式:was  过去式:were  过去式:been  过去式:being  过去式:is  

1 . The verb " dance " is regular, but the verb "be" is not.

动词 dance 的变化是规则的, 但be的变化是不规则的.


2 . Instead of complaining about what's wrong, be grateful for what's right.


来自金山词霸 每日一句

3 . The difference between who you are and who you want to be is what you do.


来自金山词霸 每日一句

4 . Three hundred million dollars will be nothing like enough.



5 . He did not like to be caught out on details.




as/that was

1 . 如过去所称

the be-all and end-all

2 . (非正式)(活动或生活方式的)根本特点;要旨

be oneself

3 . 表现得自然

been (或 been and gone) and——

4 . (非正式)[表惊讶或恼火]竟然

been there, done that1. they've been and carted Mum off to hospital.他们竟然强行把妈妈送到了医院。be that as it may1. they've been and carted Mum off to hospital.他们竟然强行把妈妈送到了医院。be there for someone

5 . 支持;安慰(困难或不幸中的)某人

not be oneself

6 . 失常;感到不舒服


7 . 未来的

be about

8 . 见 about (介词义项1)

be at

9 . 正在做;打算做

be away

10 . 离开;出发

be off

11 . 滚开;离去

同义词v.1.伴随,降临”释义下的同义词 befall betide attend escort accompany bechance follow 2.停留,停驻”释义下的同义词 remain stay abide 3.发生”释义下的同义词 happen up come hap place crop occur take arise spring about 4.存在,存活”释义下的同义词 breathe live exist 5.居住”释义下的同义词 located situated dwell inhabit reside be occupy 语源Old English bēon, an irregular and defective verb, whose full conjugation derives from several originally distinct verbs. The forms amand isare from an Indo-European root shared by Latin sumand est. The forms wasand wereare from an Indo-European root meaning remain. The forms beand beenare from an Indo-European root shared by Latin fuiI was, fioI become, and Greek phueinbring forth, cause to grow. The origin of areis uncertain英英释义网络释义常用俚语vern

1.have the quality of being; (copula, used with an adjective or a predicate noun);

John is rich

2.be identical to; be someone or something;

The president of the company is John Smith

3.occupy a certain position or area; be somewhere;

Where is my umbrella? The toolshed is in the back

4.have an existence, be extant;

Is there a God?

5.happen, occur, take place;

I lost my wallet; this was during the visit to my parents' house

6.be identical or equivalent to;

One dollar equals 1,000 rubles these days!

7.form or compose;

This money is my only income

8.work in a specific place, with a specific subject, or in a specific function;

He is a herpetologist

9.represent, as of a character on stage;

Derek Jacobi was Hamlet

10. spend or use time;

I may be an hour

11. have life, be alive;

Our great leader is no more

12. to remain unmolested, undisturbed, or uninterrupted -- used only in infinitive form;

let her be

13. be priced at;

These shoes cost $100


1 . 是

不过,定冠词就是另一回事了。一般而言,冠词的存在与否,与英文的“the”和“a”并不对应。而是,有冠词的名词强调该名词的具体性(如,弗四13的被译为「基督徒的信仰」),而没有冠词的名词则强调其抽象面或神学面[来一11,「信( ,指相信神)是肯定我们所盼望的」]。在约翰福音一1,这一点就很重要,因为耶和华见证人读为:「道是一位(a)神。,理由是中,神字是没有冠词的形式。这里没有冠词,可以根据两个定律来解释。根据「科伟(Colwell)定律」,在「是」(be)动词之前的述语名词不用冠词( ),以将它与主词

2 . 被

电脑发音:be被 , 激烈 , 具备 , 全然 , 是 , 系 , 有 , 预定 , 在做 , 装饰lack 不足 , 短 , 缺 , 缺乏 , 缺少 , 缺少... , 少 , 无.

3 . 成为

large adj. 大的;巨大的bev. 是;成为soon adv. 不久;很快

4 . 会

do能,会beable to

相关词条+being and not being

1 . 有与无

being and meaning 存在与意义being and not being 有与无being and time 存在与时间

+be adjudged to be

1 . 被裁定为

保值利率 inflation-proof interest rate被裁定为be adjudged to be被陈述人 representee

+be be

1 . 是本是

let be be finale of seem ., 是本是似的终极.

+be -

1 . 因此报告

nobody know for certain what kind of man he be - he's rather a lone wolf .调查报告中有些事故有多重因素的作用,因此报告中各种因素的总和超过了100%。

1.I wouldn't be caught dead in that dress.


2.The thing's as easy as can be.


3.Well,I'll be damned!


4.I'll be a monkey's uncle if you put that over on me!



简介 BE同时还是魔兽系列游戏中血精灵的缩写(Blood Elf) 别称:辛多雷 组成:血精灵、辛多雷 语言: 萨拉斯语血精灵历史 血精灵曾经是暗夜精灵的一部分。 一万年前,暗夜精灵就在古卡里姆多大陆上生活了,他们依靠位于大陆中心的永恒之井——一个充满魔法能量的井获得了强大的魔法能量。但是他们却在女王艾撒拉和手下的高等精灵的领导下无节制的使用着魔法能量,终于引来了燃烧军团的入侵。在那次可怕的大爆炸后,永恒之井毁灭了
