英语频道小编isabell整理了英语单词basswood的学习资料,关于basswood是什么意思这个问题进行了详细的讲解,包括basswood的英语意思解释、正确音标读音及发音、用法,basswood的英文短句例句含义讲解等与英文单词basswood相关的信息。 basswood英['bæsˌwʊd]美['bæsˌwʊd]n.(美洲)椴树;椴木网络椴木;有一些用 双语例句更多资料 1 . American basswood of the Allegheny region. 产于美国阿勒革尼地区的一种美洲椴树属植物. 来自互联网 2 . South American evergreen tree yielding winter's bark and a soft wood similar to basswood . 北美欧洲和亚洲落叶性树木的一个属,树皮光滑且常为银灰色;欧椴;菩提树;椴木. 来自互联网 语源late 17th cent.: from bass + wood英英释义行业释义网络释义noun1.soft light-colored wood of any of various linden trees; used in making crates and boxes and in carving and millwork 2.any of various deciduous trees of the genus Tilia with heart-shaped leaves and drooping cymose clusters of yellowish often fragrant flowers; several yield valuable timber 医学1.①美椴木:美洲椴〔Tilia americana L.(Tiliaceae)〕,在美洲民间医药中长期以其木、皮或花用作煎剂,以治疗肝胆疾病 -basswood1 . 椴木 Timber has basswood, Manchurian ash and so on ., 木材有椴木 , 水曲柳等. 2 . 有一些用 绝大少数Fender方式的吉他用白杨木(Alder), 有一些用(Basswood), 绝大少数Gibson方式的吉他用桃花心木下面再贴一片枫木.赤杨木(Poplar)本质和白杨木(Alder)很像,所以也常被采用;梣木(Ash)也. 相关词条+basswood oil1 . 椴树油 bassora gum 刺槐树胶basswood oil 椴树油basswood 椴木 +tongjiang basswood1 . 通江椴木 discussion about facility distinguish methods of tongjiang basswood tremella ., 通江椴木银耳简易鉴别方法的探讨. +Carolina basswood1 . 卡罗来纳椴木 卡罗蓝花楹木 caroha卡罗来纳椴木Carolina basswood卡林玉蕊木类 jequitibd +white basswood1 . 异叶椴木 商用英语木材词库(六) ... 佛(罗里达)州椴木 Florida basswood 异叶椴木beetree;American lime;white basswood 日本椴木 Japanese lime;Japanese basswood;shinalime. |