错的的英文: dislocation climb That the earth is flat is an erroneous concept. It is better only sometimes to right, than at all times to be wrong. ——Abraham Lincoln (printing) a trial impression made to check for errors. An inch in a miss is as good as an ell He restored the umbrella he had taken by mistake. Please ignore the misdate. This split-level house is for rent. It's a bargain. The mistake is in not forbidding the serpent;then Adam will have eaten the serpent. Often misspells receive by transposing the e and the i. adj. 错误的;不道德的;不适合的;不正常的 adv. 错误地 n. 坏事;不公正的事;错误 v. 无礼地对待;冤枉 Evidently you are in the wrong. He is wrong by moral standards. The parcel was directed to the wrong address. It's wrong to doctor accounts It's wrong to swear and shout. |