熊猫的英文: Pandas inhabit the West China. It is often difficult to tell if a panda is pregnant, because baby pandas are so small. Pandas rarely mate in captivity. The crowd was oohing and aahing beside the panda's enclosure. She has broken the panda to the show. I accept the cancel condition of Panda Touristic. "See a tiger ( a panda , an elephant , a lion , a wolf , a fox ) " We saw three pandas in the zoo. She trained her camera on the caged panda. The lovable high kicking Panda must battle a new evil in the sequel. n. 熊猫 Red pandas are a distant relative of the giant panda. Red pandas are a distant relative of the giant panda. The giant panda is native to China. Pandas inhabit the West China. She has broken the panda to the show. |