英语频道小编cathy整理了英语单词athletically的学习资料,关于athletically是什么意思这个问题进行了详细的讲解,包括athletically的英语意思解释、正确音标读音及发音、用法,athletically的英文短句例句含义讲解等与英文单词athletically相关的信息。 athletically美[æθ'letɪklɪ]adv.竞赛地,运动比赛地,具运动员风范地网络竞赛地;运动家作风地;运动比赛地;运动员身材 双语例句 1 . He jumped athletically out of the car. 他身手矫捷地跳出了车子。 来自柯林斯例句 2 . Tall, athletically built, but with a slight, shy stoop to his shoulders. 高个子, 运动员身材, 但有点轻微的水蛇腰. 来自互联网 3 . She does not hate sports on TV, she is athletically biased. 她不讨厌体育频道, 只是对运动有些偏见. 来自互联网 4 . Playing at a tournament is a great experience both athletically and socially. 参加一个大的比赛会是一次很好的比赛和社会经历. 来自互联网 网络释义 -athletically1 . 竞赛地 athletic 运动的athletically竞赛地athleticism 运动竞赛 2 . 运动家作风地 B2B门户外贸知识工具,外贸词典 ... athletically运动比赛地 athletically运动家作风地 athletically竞赛地. 3 . 运动比赛地 志愿者 postulant volunteer 鸟巢 bird's nest 火炬传递 n. Torch Relay 奥运会形象 Olympic image 场地 field ground floor 运动比赛地 athletically运动比赛转播. 4 . 运动员身材 Tall , athleticallybuilt , but with a slight , shy stoop to his shoulders ., 高个子 , 运动员身材 , 但有点轻微的水蛇腰. 相关词条+athletics college athletics1 . 体育学院体育 how are you , I am XXX , 23 years old this year , will soon fasten graduation from athletics college athletics education in Xian .你好,我叫XXX,今年23岁,即将从西安体育学院体育教育系毕业。 +athletic teaching and athletic1 . 体育教学与运动 a similar and differential study of athletic teaching and athletic training ., 体育教学与运动训练异同研究. +elite athletics athletes1 . 优秀田径运动员 comparisons among chinese and world elite athletics athletes participating in competitions ., 世界与中国优秀田径运动员参赛情况比较. +athletics for disabled athletes1 . 残疾人田径运动员 medical and functional classification standard of athletics for disabled athletes ., 残疾人田径运动员医学和功能分级标准. |