英语频道小编caroline整理了英语单词ascertain的学习资料,关于ascertain是什么意思这个问题进行了详细的讲解,包括ascertain的英语意思解释、正确音标读音及发音、用法,ascertain的英文短句例句含义讲解等与英文单词ascertain相关的信息。 ascertain英[ˌæsəˈteɪn]美[ˌæsərˈteɪn]vt.弄清,确定,查明网络确定;查明;判断;弄清 词形变化: 过去式:ascertained 过去式:ascertained 过去式:ascertaining 过去式:ascertains 派生词:ascertainable ascertainment 双语例句同反义词更多资料 1 . It can be difficult to ascertain the facts. 可能难以查明事实真相。 来自《权威词典》 2 . I'm going to ascertain the truth. 我要查明真相. 来自《简明英汉词典》 3 . It's difficult to ascertain the coal deposits. 煤储量很难探明. 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》 4 . The police determined to ascertain the truth of the matter. ascertain:警察决心查明事实的真相. 来自互联网 5 . Take time to ascertain what services your bank is providing, and at what cost. 花些时间确认一下你的银行会提供什么样的服务,费用是多少。 来自柯林斯例句 同义词vt.1.确定;探查”释义下的同义词 clear find determine up out solve learn discover 语源late Middle English (in the sense assure, convince): from Old French acertener, based on Latin certussettled, sure英英释义行业释义网络释义vern1.after a calculation, investigation, experiment, survey, or study; find the product of two numbers careful or certain to do something; make certain of something; He verified that the valves were closed 3.find out, learn, or determine with certainty, usually by making an inquiry or other effort; I want to see whether she speaks French 4.learn or discover with certainty 法律1.判明 -ascertain1 . 确定 ...ettle for)对已知脆弱性(vulnerability,漏洞)的解决方案(solution).必须确定(ascertain)对于给定要防御(defend against)威胁,已知脆弱性的结果(consequences)是可接收的.有效性的评估(assessment)需要检查(examine)以下几点. 2 . 查明 不过,这里存在一个难题,即诉前开示仅仅被用作查明(ascertain)事实而非进行证言保全的范围如何确定?此外,如果允许进行诉前开示,是否开示只限于查明这种事实,该事实是. 3 . 判断 “执”字查询-难检字速查--工作学习范文网 ... 取得〖achieve;acquire;gain;get〗 判断〖ascertain;judge;decide〗 堵塞〖block〗. 4 . 弄清 ...clarify 澄清,阐明(表示澄清阐明某个令人迷惑的问题)ascertain查明,弄清,确定(通过了解,实验,研究等确切的发现某个事物)interpret 解释,说明,诠释 相关词条+ascertainment error1 . 确定性误差 ascertain 确定ascertainment error 确定性误差ascertainment 确定 2 . 断定误差 ascertaining type decision 确定型决策ascertainment error 断定误差aschaffite 英云斜煌岩 +ascertained weight1 . 确定的重量 ascertain 查明ascertained weight 确定的重量ascertaining the ship's position 定船位 +ascertainment bias1 . 测量偏倚 E)减少测量偏倚(ascertainment bias):没关系。 +ascertain loss1 . 确定损失 ascent curve 上升曲线ascertain loss 确定损失ascertain the responsibility 判明责任 |