英语频道小编isha整理了英语单词arsenic的学习资料,关于arsenic是什么意思这个问题进行了详细的讲解,包括arsenic的英语意思解释、正确音标读音及发音、用法,arsenic的英文短句例句含义讲解等与英文单词arsenic相关的信息。 arsenic英[ˈɑ:snɪk]美[ˈɑ:rsnɪk]n.砷;三氧化二砷,砒霜adj.砷的,含砷(主要指五价砷)的 网络砷;砒霜;砷的;内脏中毒 双语例句更多资料 1 . His wife poisoned him with arsenic . 他的妻子用砒霜把他毒死了. 来自《简明英汉词典》 2 . Arsenic is a poison. 砒霜是毒药. 来自《简明英汉词典》 3 . Strychnine, arsenic, and opium are poison. 马钱子碱 、 砷和鸦片都是毒药. 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》 4 . The analysis showed a few grains of arsenic in the solution. 分析显示溶液中有几格令的砷. 来自辞典例句 5 . Arsenic is widely associated with the manufature of herbicides and pesticides. 砷广泛地应用于除草剂和杀虫剂的制造中. 来自辞典例句 语源late Middle English (denoting yellow orpiment, arsenic sulphide): via Old French from Latin arsenicum, from Greek arsenikonyellow orpiment, identified with arsenikosmale, but in fact from Arabic al-zarnīkthe orpiment, based on Persian zargold英英释义行业释义网络释义noun1.a very poisonous metallic element that has three allotropic forms; arsenic and arsenic compounds are used as herbicides and insecticides and various alloys; found in arsenopyrite and orpiment and realgar 2.a white powdered poisonous trioxide of arsenic; used in manufacturing glass and as a pesticide and weed killer 医学1.砷:①一种药用和有毒的元素,易碎,有光泽的灰色固体,有大蒜气味,化学符号As,原子序数33,原子量74.922,比重5.73。吸入及摄入皆有毒性,并有致癌作用。砷及砷化合物在医药中虽应用甚广,但现在只在某些热带寄生虫病的治疗中尚有其重要性。另见poisoning项下 2.②三氧化二砷:同arsenic trioxide 3. 含五价砷的 -arsenic1 . 砷 arsenicreagent 砷试剂arsenic砷;三氧化二砷arsenical 砷的 2 . 砒霜 as different as arsenicis strychnine , and having different effects ., 就像砒霜不同于马钱子碱一样 , 而且产生的效果也不同. 3 . 砷的 a very poisonous metallic element that has three allotropic forms ; arsenicand arseniccompounds are used as herbicides and insecticides and various alloys ; found in arsenopyrite and orpiment and realgar .一种极具毒性的金属元素,有三种同素异性体,砷和砷的化合物用作除草剂、杀虫剂和各种合金,见于毒砂、 4 . 内脏中毒 吸烟有害健康 ... Ammonia - 氨/ 阿摩尼亚: 损害肺泡. Arsenic - 砷: 内脏中毒及可致癌. Benzene - 苯: 有毒! 国际癌症研究会列为第一类致癌物质:易激怒、睡意、头晕、心跳、头疼、震颤、混乱、呕吐、不省人事和死亡。. 相关词条+arsenic (1 . 砷的含量 arsenic ( Ⅲ , Ⅴ ) in water solution by water , in which it was finally determined by HG-AFS under the optimized conditions .通过样品消解、工作条件等优化,利用氢化物原子荧光光谱法测定药用植物油中砷的含量。 +arsenous acid1 . 亚砷酸 arsenolite 亚砷酸arsenous acid 亚砷酸arsenous oxide 三氧化二砷 +calcium arsenate1 . 砷酸钙 正砷酸钙(Calcium Arsenate)系胃毒性杀虫药剂,在农业上用以防治棉花,烟草,蔬菜与柑橘的害虫。一般制造方法均用硝酸,氯气或硝酸钙为氧化剂,或用电化方法将白砒(. +lead arsenate1 . 砷酸铅 lead antimony alloy 铅锑合金lead arsenate 砷酸铅lead ashes 铅灰 |