英语频道小编joy整理了英语单词argot的学习资料,关于argot是什么意思这个问题进行了详细的讲解,包括argot的英语意思解释、正确音标读音及发音、用法,argot的英文短句例句含义讲解等与英文单词argot相关的信息。 argot英[ˈɑ:gəʊ]美[ˈɑ:rgət]n.行话,黑话网络隐语;行话;暗语;黑话 词形变化: 复数:argots 双语例句同反义词更多资料 1 . The argot and proverb created by them enrich Chinese language. 他们创造的隐语、歇后语、谚语等丰富了中国的语言. 来自互联网 2 . He knows thieves' argot . 他懂盗贼的黑话。 来自辞典例句 3 . Sell - capital argot, that is, sold themselves. 卖 — 京城隐语, 即卖身. 来自互联网 4 . The argot and proverb created by them enrich Chinese language. 他们创造的隐语、歇后语、谚语等丰富了中国的语言. 来自互联网 5 . Sell - capital argot, that is, sold themselves. 卖 — 京城隐语, 即卖身. 来自互联网 6 . At the same time points out Argot Literature has the nature of argot . 指出所谓隐语文学指的是具有隐语性质的文学. 来自互联网 7 . The clusters had what are known in the argot of the trade as deep roots. 一个群体拥有一种在贸易行话中被称作“深根”的东西. 来自互联网 8 . At the same time points out Argot Literature has the nature of argot . 指出所谓隐语文学指的是具有隐语性质的文学. 来自互联网 9 . The clusters had what are known in the argot of the trade as deep roots. 一个群体拥有一种在贸易行话中被称作“深根”的东西. 来自互联网 同义词 slang vocabulary dialect speech 语源mid 19th cent. (originally denoting the jargon or slang of criminals): from French, of unknown origin网络释义 -argot1 . 隐语 slang 俚语,土话argot黑话,暗话,隐语jargon 专业术语,行话 2 . 行话 areolar connective tissue 网形结缔组织argot行话argot隐语 3 . 暗语 argosy 大商船argot暗语arguable 可辩论的 4 . 黑话 ...工、农夫等体力劳动者都有各自的行话;音乐家、工程师、教员等脑力劳动者也各自有自己的行话。隐语又称 “黑话”(argot),主要指社会下层的堕落分子(如骗子、小偷等)所使用的特殊行话,一般只通行于同伙儿。行话和隐语使用范围. 相关词条+these argots1 . 这些暗语 these argots and idioms frequently occur in newspaper , magzine , TV , film , songs and family .这些暗语和习语经常出现在报刊杂志、影、视、曲和家庭中。 +argot jargon1 . 论隐语行话 implied cultural features in the motivation of naming argot jargon ., 论隐语行话命名理据中的隐型文化特征. +bandit argot1 . 土匪黑话 bandicoot 害鼠bandit argot 土匪黑话bandit 强盗 +Chinese argot1 . 汉语隐语 this paper explores and discusses the national implied cultural features of Chinese argot jargon in naming motivation from the three aspects of Concrete thought mode , totem and phallic psychology , orthodox cultural consciousness , to start with the rela |