英语频道小编cassie整理了英语单词andalusite的学习资料,关于andalusite是什么意思这个问题进行了详细的讲解,包括andalusite的英语意思解释、正确音标读音及发音、用法,andalusite的英文短句例句含义讲解等与英文单词andalusite相关的信息。 andalusite英[əndæ'lu:saɪt]美[əndæ'lu:saɪt]n.红柱石网络红柱石;莫来石 双语例句更多资料 1 . Temperature and soaking time on mullitization of andalusite were studied by analyzing the XRD data. 研究了烧成温度和保温时间对添加活性氧化铝的红柱石基耐火材料莫来石化行为的影响. 来自互联网 2 . Temperature and soaking time on mullitization of andalusite were studied by analyzing the XRD data. 研究了烧成温度和保温时间对添加活性氧化铝的红柱石基耐火材料莫来石化行为的影响. 来自互联网 3 . Study the floatability of andalusite and mechanism of which with alkyl sulphonate as collecter was accomplished. 研究了红柱石的可浮性及其与捕收剂烷基磺酸盐的作用机理. 来自互联网 4 . Study the floatability of andalusite and mechanism of which with alkyl sulphonate as collecter was accomplished. 研究了红柱石的可浮性及其与捕收剂烷基磺酸盐的作用机理. 来自互联网 5 . There are abundant mineral resources, andalusite, marble, granite, gold and other mineral resources, greater reserves. 还有丰富的矿产资源, 红柱石 、 大理石 、 花岗岩 、 黄金等矿产资源储量较大. 来自互联网 6 . There are abundant mineral resources, andalusite, marble, granite, gold and other mineral resources, greater reserves. 还有丰富的矿产资源, 红柱石 、 大理石 、 花岗岩 、 黄金等矿产资源储量较大. 来自互联网 7 . On the condition of thermal contact metamorphism, clay minerals in coal are changed into andalusite . 无烟煤中红柱石是煤中粘土质矿物经热接触变质作用形成的. 来自互联网 8 . On the condition of thermal contact metamorphism, clay minerals in coal are changed into andalusite . 无烟煤中红柱石是煤中粘土质矿物经热接触变质作用形成的. 来自互联网 9 . Some Andalusite crystals have carbonaceous inclusions, arranged so that in cross - section they form a dark cross. 某些红柱石晶体含有碳质包裹体, 正是这种结构导致了她的 横截面 有一个黑十字. 来自互联网 10 . Some Andalusite crystals have carbonaceous inclusions, arranged so that in cross - section they form a dark cross. 某些红柱石晶体含有碳质包裹体, 正是这种结构导致了她的 横截面 有一个黑十字. 来自互联网 语源early 19th cent.: from the name of the Spanish region of Andalusia + -ite行业释义网络释义 冶金学1.红柱石 地质学1.红柱石 -andalusite1 . 红柱石 ...staurolite,蓝晶石,kyanite,红柱石,andalusite,及其他,铁铝石榴子石的绰号有"东方石榴石" , "铁铝石榴子石红宝石&q. 2 . 莫来石 堇cordierite莫来石,红柱石andalusite泥果,坯体clay body 相关词条+andalusite mineral resources1 . 红柱石矿产资源 the andalusite mineral resources are fairly abundant and have superior minerogenetic conditions in Southern Tianshan Mountains , Xinjiang .新疆南天山红柱石矿产资源十分丰富,具有优越的成矿地质条件。 +andalusite gneiss1 . 红柱石片麻岩 红柱石硅线石型 andalusitesillimanite type 红柱石片麻岩andalusite gneiss 红柱石云母片岩 andalusitemica schist 莫来石,红柱石 andalusite 杂钙钠红柱石. +andalusite ore1 . 红柱石矿 the dissemination relationship between gangue mineral aggregate and andalusite in Xinjiang Huolagou andalusite ore was researched in detail .详细研究了新疆霍拉沟红柱石矿中脉石矿物集合体与红柱石的嵌布关系; +andalusite composite1 . 红柱石基复合材料 preparation and properties of alumina fiber reinforced andalusite composite氧化铝纤维增强红柱石基复合材料的制备与性能 |