英语频道小编anne整理了英语单词adsorbability的学习资料,关于adsorbability是什么意思这个问题进行了详细的讲解,包括adsorbability的英语意思解释、正确音标读音及发音、用法,adsorbability的英文短句例句含义讲解等与英文单词adsorbability相关的信息。 adsorbability美[ædsɔ:bə'bɪlɪtɪ]n.吸附力;吸附性网络吸附性;吸附力;吸附能力;吸附性能 双语例句 1 . Adsorbability of modified Bentonite is more better than Bentonite. 经活化处理过的膨润土对染料具有更好的吸附脱色性能. 来自互联网 2 . When the adsorbent is used 10 times, its adsorbability will drop about 3 %. 经反复利用10次, 其吸附率下降约在3%以下. 来自互联网 3 . Adsorbability decreases as cPL content increases. 活性炭的吸附性能随塑料热解物含量的增加而减小. 来自互联网 4 . The adsorbability of adsorbents was studied in vitro. 通过体外静态吸附对各种吸附微珠的吸附性能进行了研究,结果发现本类吸附微珠对LDL有 亲和吸附能力. 来自互联网 5 . Discuss emphatically on the process of electrostatics flocking of activated carbon fiber and its adsorbability . 重点讨论活性炭纤维植绒的工艺及其吸附性能. 来自互联网 网络释义 -adsorbability1 . 吸附性 adrenalin 肾上腺素adsorbability吸附性adsorbate 吸附质 2 . 吸附力 当被吸附化合物的在水中的溶合力小于吸附力(adsorbability)时,它就会被逐渐富集(concentrate)在活性碳中。这也说明,为何「疏水性」化合物在水中很容易被活性碳吸附. 3 . 吸附能力 ADP 二氢磷酸氨adsorbability吸附能力adsorbed film 吸附膜 4 . 吸附性能 adsorb吸附adsorbability吸附性能adsorbate被吸附物吸附质adsorbedwater吸附水ads. 相关词条+adsorbed film1 . 吸附膜 adsorbability 吸附能力adsorbed film 吸附膜adsorbed layer 吸附层 +selective adsorbent1 . 选择性吸附剂 selective absorption 选择吸收selective adsorbent 选择性吸附剂selective adsorption 选择吸附 +adsorbent activity1 . 吸附剂活性 adsorbed water 吸附水adsorbent activity 吸附剂活性adsorbent ground 吸附性地表 +adsorbed water1 . 吸附水 adsorbate 吸附物adsorbed water 吸附水adsorbent 吸附剂 |