英语频道小编edith整理了英语单词adherent的学习资料,关于adherent是什么意思这个问题进行了详细的讲解,包括adherent的英语意思解释、正确音标读音及发音、用法,adherent的英文短句例句含义讲解等与英文单词adherent相关的信息。 adherent英[ədˈhɪərənt]美[ədˈhɪrənt]n.支持者,拥护者adj.粘着的;贴生的;(由于协议、合约等而)发生关系的;修饰语的 网络信徒;粘附的;粘连的;附着的 词形变化: 复数:adherents 派生词:adherence 双语例句同反义词更多资料 1 . The brass plate must be adherent to the steel. 黄铜片必须和钢粘结. 来自辞典例句 2 . He was most liberal where money would bring him a powerful or necessary political adherent . 在金钱能够收买一个干练的或者必需的政治拥护者的地方,他是最不惜花钱的. 来自辞典例句 3 . Rip's sole domestic adherent was his dog Wolf, who was as much hen - pecked as his master. 在家里,瑞普的唯一知己就是那条名叫“狼”的狗,“狼”和他主人一样怕女主人. 来自辞典例句 4 . The skin can become adherent to the underlying tissues. 皮肤能和下层组织粘连. 来自互联网 5 . But also accompanied by popping, a 2 w multi - injury in adherent quantitative low. 而且还伴随有起泡现象, 此现象多发于定量低的原纸. 来自互联网 同义词n.1.支持者,同伙”释义下的同义词 rooter retainer confederate advocate upholder partisan sycophant helper ally believer confidant fan attendant supporter patron c adj.2.黏附的,黏的”释义下的同义词 tacky glutinous tenacious gummy viscid viscous gluey sticking clinging adhering mucilaginous 语源late Middle English : from Old French adherent, from Latin adhaerent-sticking to, from the verb adhaerere(see adhere)网络释义 -adherent1 . 信徒 2. 混乱,讨厌adherent信徒rhetorical 带修辞色彩的,用作说服效果. 2 . 粘附的 2. 粘附的;粘性的adherent粘附的;有粘性的;胶质的salt 撒在表面上的盐 3 . 粘连的 adenophyma 淋巴结肿adherent粘连的adhesiectomy 粘连切除术 4 . 附着的 adherence 粘着,附着adherent粘附的,附着的adhesion 粘附力,粘着力,附着力,附着效果. 相关词条+adherence1 . 附着 addressing system 寻址系统adherence 附着adhesion 附着 2 . 粘合 adermin 抗皮炎素adherence 粘合adherence test 粘着试验 +adhered1 . 粘贴 stain染色adhered粘贴bumper包头片 +adhere1 . 坚持 遵守法律法规,每年必考adhere(粘着,坚持) tocomply(顺从,承诺) with传送,疾病的传播. 2 . 粘着 Hhe继承(heritage) hes,her粘着(adhere)horr战栗,怕(horrible) hydr(o)水(hydrogen) |