英语频道小编julian整理了英语单词accentuation的学习资料,关于accentuation是什么意思这个问题进行了详细的讲解,包括accentuation的英语意思解释、正确音标读音及发音、用法,accentuation的英文短句例句含义讲解等与英文单词accentuation相关的信息。 accentuation英[əkˌsentʃʊ'eɪʃn]美[əkˌsentʃʊ'eɪʃn]n.重读,强调;预加量网络加重;音频加重;亢进 双语例句同反义词更多资料 1 . The real problem, again, is the accentuation of already bad habits. 真正的问题在于已经养成了一种坏的习惯. 来自互联网 2 . Then apply the accentuation slowly, don't punch it. 然后慢慢加强, 不要冲. 来自互联网 3 . Liver of second of anaemic meeting accentuation ? 贫血会加重乙肝 吗 ? 来自互联网 4 . Droughts and accentuation of soil erosion cause havoc in such areas, making their rehabilitation extremely difficult. 旱灾和严重的土壤侵蚀造成巨大的破坏, 恢复起来极为困难. 来自互联网 5 . Three experiments were carried out to investigate the role accentuation plays in spoken discourse comprehension. 用三个实验探索了重读在口语语篇理解加工中的作用. 来自互联网 同义词 accent语源late 15th cent.: in early use from medieval Latin accentuatio(n-); in later use (early 19th cent.) from accentuate行业释义网络释义 医学1.增强,亢进:响度和清晰度的增加。同intensification -accentuation1 . 加重 (这是振荡器稳定的必要条件),由于三极管工作在C 类工作状态下,它对相位噪声是进行急剧放大的(主要是由于正反馈网络对相位的加重(accentuation).(比如备频器,它对. 2 . 音频加重 accented contour 指示等高线accentuation加重;重读;强调;音频加重accentuator 加重器;振幅加强线路 3 . 亢进 acanthi 棘突,棘accentuation增强,亢进access 存取,进口,入口 相关词条+accentuates your1 . 突出你 choose an outfit that accentuates your positives without going overboard -- do not wear that too-tight blouse , or that really short skirt that will make you self-conscious about your hemline all night .不过火地选择突出你优点的套装--不要穿紧身衫或让你整晚都要留意裙边的超短裙。 +really accentuates1 . 真正突出 lattice lacing with fat laces really accentuates the weaving ., 格子花边脂肪真正突出花边织造. +accentuated push1 . 加力推 187.轻推挡球:stop ball188.加力推:accentuated push189.减力挡:cushion block; stop-block shot +accentual function1 . 语调的强调对比功能 语调的强调对比功能(accentual function) 英语的调核改变能强调句中的任何部分,也可以采用两个调核形成对比焦点,它使对比重音置于话语中某个成分之上,能把这个成分同话. |