英语频道小编dannis整理了英语单词abour的学习资料,关于abour是什么意思这个问题进行了详细的讲解,包括abour的英语意思解释、正确音标读音及发音、用法,abour的英文短句例句含义讲解等与英文单词abour相关的信息。 abour网络劳动双语例句 1 . It repays your 1 abour well. 你的力气不会白费. 来自互联网 2 . Laziness makes you i 11, 1 abour makes you healthy. 懒惰使人生病, 劳动使人健壮. 来自互联网 3 . Management referred the 1 abour dispute to arbitration. 资方将劳资争议提交仲裁. 来自互联网 4 . If you care abour the environment, they may consider what more they can do as well. 如果你爱护环境, 那么他们也可能会想到他们能做什么. 来自互联网 网络释义 -abour1 . 劳动 试题预览 ... phenomenon n. 现象 1abourn. 劳动 hesitate vi. 犹豫. 相关词条+abour intensive1 . 劳动力密集型 after entering WTO of abour intensive products will be further enlarged , while import of capital intensive and technology intensive products being greatly enlarged .入世后,我国劳动力密集型产品出口将进一步扩大,而资本、技术密集型产品进口增长较快。 +care abour the environment1 . 爱护环境 if you care abour the environment , they may consider what more they can do as well .如果你爱护环境,那么他们也可能会想到他们能做什么。 +child abourer1 . 童工 ...有时,名词有其应的形容词,但名词和形容词作定语有不同的使用场合和含义。如:child abourer童工childish ideas幼稚的想法 +you care abour the1 . 你爱护 if you care abour the environment , they may consider what more they can do as well .如果你爱护环境,那么他们也可能会想到他们能做什么。 |