英语频道小编dannis整理了英语单词abnegate的学习资料,关于abnegate是什么意思这个问题进行了详细的讲解,包括abnegate的英语意思解释、正确音标读音及发音、用法,abnegate的英文短句例句含义讲解等与英文单词abnegate相关的信息。 abnegate英['æbnɪɡeɪt]美[ˈæbnɪˌɡet]v.放弃网络舍弃;禁忌;戒禁;重新肯定 词形变化: 过去式:abnegated 过去式:abnegated 过去式:abnegating 过去式:abnegates 派生词:abnegator 双语例句更多资料 1 . If love and friendship can't be together, I will abnegate the resultless love. 如果爱与友情不能并存,那我定会放弃一份无结果的爱。 来自辞典例句 2 . It can abnegate useless samples and make the knowledge of study objects accumulate. 该算法舍弃对最终结论无用的样本,使得学习对象的知识得到了积累. 来自互联网 语源early 17th cent.: from Latin abnegat-renounced, from the verb abnegare, from ab-away, off + negaredeny英英释义网络释义vern1.deny oneself (something); restrain, especially from indulging in some pleasure; She denied herself wine and spirits 2.surrender; The King abnegated his power to the ministers 3.deny or renounce; They abnegated their gods -abnegate1 . 舍弃 abjure←→embrace/espouseabnegatevt. 放弃,舍弃,禁忌SURRENDER, RELINQUISH 2 . 禁忌 abjure←→embrace/espouseabnegatevt. 放弃,舍弃,禁忌SURRENDER, RELINQUISH 3 . 戒禁 and accepts opposing or different beliefs.abnegate放弃; 克制; 戒禁释义1:To give up (rights or a claim, for example). 4 . 重新肯定 肯定 ABJURE <> AFFIRM abjure <> embrace 发誓放弃 <> 支持 ABJURE <> EMBRACE abnegate<> reaffirm 放弃 <> 重新肯定 ABNEGATE <> REAFFIRM abolish <>. 相关词条+abnegated their1 . 不再相信他们 They abnegated their gods ., 他们不再相信他们的神. +he abnegated1 . 他克制了自己 Above all , he abnegated and found out the reason ., 首先 , 他克制了自己, 弄清了原因. +They abnegated1 . 他们不再相信 They abnegated their gods ., 他们不再相信他们的神. +abnegation abnormal1 . 反常 变态 不正常 ...bluent 洗涤的洗涤剂洗洁精ABM 反弹道导弹abnegate 自制自律克己克制拒绝abnegation abnormal 反常变态不正常abnormally |