新表情包!动物吐舌照风靡 blep新词学起来
爱思英语编者按:新词blep或许还没有跻身牛津词典,可是这个词却已经成为最新的潮流,在英语中拥有一席之地。Blep的意思是指一种最新流行的奇异风潮,摄影师为小动物们拍摄他们吐着舌头的样子。 It might not be in the Oxford dictionary but 'blep' is fast becoming the latest fad to stake its place in the English language. Two wide-eyed pet cats stare at their owners with their tongues out in photographs shared online. A grumpy looking cat rests on its owner's couch while sticking out its tongue. A sleeping dog and a curious donkey are among those to have found fame for their bleps. Two more dogs, both wide awake, look vacantly into the distance with their tongues hanging out. Pictured is a pet cat resting with its tongue hanging out. A extreme closeup, shows a cat performing a blep. |