春茧的英文: n. 1.[C]跳;跳跃 2.[C]泉;泉水;有泉水处;泉水的流淌 [attrib 作定语] (spring water) 3.[C]弹簧;发条 [attrib 作定语] (a spring-mattress) 4.[U] 弹性,弹力; (比喻) 活力 5.[U,C]春季;春天 v. 1.[I]蹦;跃起;跳出;突然活动(如从隐藏处或松弛状态) 2.[I,T](使某物)藉机械装置操作 3.[T]【口】 帮助(囚犯等)逃跑;使(动物)离开躲藏处 The perfume was evocative of spring. Nature wakes in spring. In spring, the valleys are ablaze with colour. The song of birds heralds spring. Buds on the trees are a sign of spring. n. 茧 Come out of the cocoon Reel the cocoon silk off= reel the silk thread off cocoons The children tore the cocoon open to see if there was a pupa In due time the eggs hatched and the worms began spinning their cocoons - but these cocoons included not just silk, but collagen too. A caterpillar must pass through the cocoon stage to become a butterfly. |