每当身边有人谈起“奔三”的话题,周围就弥漫着一种恐慌的气氛,把30岁说得好像洪水猛兽一样可怕。究其根源,大概是因为在中国的文化里,“三十而立”这个概念深入人心,而当下很多年轻人可能从心理上或者生活状态上还没有完全进入“而立”的境界,所以难免会有些焦虑不安,也就是所谓的“成年危机”吧。 A thrisis usually occurs between the ages of 26 and 32, and is that final push into adulthood. It describes the feeling of anxiety that crept into our own lives as we left our 20s and hit the big 30, a period of time when we're not young enough to be young and not old enough to be old. Thirsis这个词其实就是thirty和crisis两个词的混成形式,这样的结合表达出了人们临近30岁时的危机感。 Many 30-somethings feel like they're on a slow path to hitting traditional adult milestones. Most of them struggle to find meaning, and evaluate where they are in their personal and professional lives, and some experiencing job burnout. It’s a grey area, that many try to finagle through, avoiding more responsibilities, yet still taking a claim to those ravishing days of dark nights, city streetlights, pumping fists, and club noise. |