拿起手机自拍已不再是件稀奇的事,也成为时下许多人记录生活点滴的方式。近期,国外又流行起一种新的自拍方式,那就是“击掌自拍(high five selfie)”,此方法既不会伤害到别人,也不会伤害到自己,只是在拍前最好做好再买一部手机的心理准备。 For those of you who cynically believed selfies were just a passing fad and would never take off, prepare to eat your words. Selfies are in fact constantly evolving, though whether for better or worse is up for debate. “Today is the proudest day of my life,” wrote North Carolina student Seth Schneider, in a post on Twitter that has been shared more than 170,000 times. “I successfully took a picture of me high-fiving myself.” Now everyone with a smart phone wants a taste of this glory. It’s harder than it looks. In your phone’s selfie mode put those opposable thumbs to work by trying to press the button while simultaneously throwing the phone in the air and then clapping. There is a chance the phone will smash into pieces as it lands (this matters less if it’s a Samsung Galaxy Note 7). Not everyone can do it, but if you manage it, you become a pioneer of human achievement. So, therefore, it’s not a waste of time at all. |