“不久前,我开始使用社交媒体——推特、脸谱网,有时也用领英网。人人都告诉我这么做有利于吸引忠实的粉丝,增加网站的流量。可问题是,我花了大量时间,却收效甚微。”一位商务人士受到的困扰或许道出了不少网民的心声,恐怕social networking fatigue(社交网络疲劳)正把他们推向宣告自己social bankruptcy(社交破产)的边缘。 Social bankruptcy refers to the condition of being so overwhelmed by social media that the only solution is to close all one's accounts." When you find yourself with hundreds of "friends" maintaining those relationships can feel like a burden. Maybe it's time to declare "social bankruptcy." 拥有大量追随者的美国励志演说家、企业家史蒂夫•帕夫林纳曾有过类似经历。他认为社交关系就像是礼物一样。数量不多时,它们显得很珍贵,令人心生感激。但数量过多就会带来麻烦。2012年1月26日,他在个人网站撰文称: It took a while to accept it, but eventually I realized I had to declare social bankruptcy. I'd gone too far down a path that wasn't working. I could see that it was time to get off that path entirely. 美国林恩-本顿社区学院创办的The Commuter网站2015年3月9日刊登了《利用社交网络还是手写书信保持联系》的文章,介绍了不久前举办的一次探讨社交媒体利弊的活动: During the event, a film called “Social Bankruptcy” showcased what life would be like without social media, and how it affects individuals. Social media is everywhere, and it’s unavoidable, having become a communication tool for the majority of society. |