燎原计划的英文: n. 大草原,大牧场 This is a prairie islanded with groves. The Pioneers and The Prairie struck a recurrent note of social criticism Because a prairie is wide therefore debauchery is admirable. n. 火;炉火;火灾;热情;激情;磨难;炮火 v. 点燃;烧制;烘制;激励;充满激情;解雇;着火;开枪 The fire raged. They fired at the robbers. The house was on fire. n. 计划;方案;程序;节目单;节目,表演,演出;课程;纲领 v. 为...制订计划;为(电脑)设计程序 synergy program Compiler is a program that translate a source program into an executable program (an object program). The specified program is not a Windows or MS-DOS program. |