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1. 东亚经济共同体

East Asian Economic Community


Premier Li Keqiang advanced building an East Asian Economic Community in order to promote regional integration and common development at the 20th Association of Southeast Asian Nations, China, Japan and Republic of Korea (10+3) leaders' meeting in the Philippines on Tuesday.


今年是10+3合作(10+3 cooperation)启动20周年。20年来10+3合作机制不断完善、合作领域(cooperation field)逐步拓展,成为亚洲地区最重要的合作机制之一,以及建设东亚共同体、推进东亚合作的主渠道(the main channel for building an East Asian community and promoting cooperation in East Asia)。

李克强指出,构建东亚经济共同体(East Asian Economic Community)是10+3合作的战略目标(strategic goal)之一,符合地区国家人民的长远和根本利益(meet the long-term and fundamental interests of the region's people)。他就此提出六点建议:大力推进贸易自由化便利化(highly promote liberalization and facilitation of trade)、扩大产能和投资合作(expand production capacity and investment cooperation)、加强基础设施合作(enhance cooperation in infrastructure construction)、深化金融合作,维护地区金融稳定(deepen financial cooperation and maintain regional financial stability)、加强可持续发展合作(strengthen sustainable development cooperation),以及扩大人文交流合作(increase people-to-people and cultural exchanges and cooperation)。

李克强呼吁各方携手并进,共同推进东亚经济共同体建设(jointly promote the construction of East Asian economic community),共同开创10+3合作更具活力的下一个20年(begin another brilliant 20 years of 10+3 cooperation)!


加快区域一体化建设 speed up regional integration

海上对话合作 maritime dialogue and cooperation

创新安全理念 develop new approaches to security

处理热点敏感问题 handle hotspot and sensitive issues

2. 国家账本

State balance sheet


The State Council recently approved the compiling of balance sheets for both the central and local governments. The central government reportedly may finish its first State balance sheet by the end of this year.


根据方案,我国将先编制全国资产负债表(compile national assets and liabilities balance sheet),再总结经验并根据实际情况,例如对机构部门和资产负债分类进行适当简化后,编制地方资产负债表(draw up local balance sheets)。

资产负债表(balance sheet)能直接反映出政府、居民、企业、金融机构在某一特定时点上的资产(assets)和负债(liabilities)的总量、分布和结构(distribution and structure),是揭示潜在金融风险(expose potential financial risks)的重要工具。

自2013年党的十八届三中全会提出"编制全国和地方资产负债表"后,相关工作在加速推进。2017年6月26日,中央全面深化改革领导小组第三十六次会议审议通过了《全国和地方资产负债表编制工作方案》。有专家指出,编制国家资产负债表标志着中国国民经济核算发展到了更高水平(China's national economic accounting has developed to a higher level)。


债务水平 debt level

杠杆率 leverage ratio

国家经济核算 national economic accounting

家庭资产负债表 household balance sheet

3. 支付产业

payment industry


China will open up its payment industry in a balanced and orderly way, Fan Yifei, deputy governor of the People's Bank of China, said Thursday.


范一飞在第六届中国支付清算论坛(the Sixth China Payment and Clearing Forum)上表示,支付产业(payment industry)对外开放要把握全面的原则,实行准入前国民待遇(pre-establishment national treatment)加负面清单(negative list)管理制度,大幅度放宽市场准入(significantly ease market access),推进电子支付领域的对外开放(push forward opening up in the e-payment sector),欢迎和鼓励外资参与我国电子支付业务的发展和竞争。

他表示,将继续遵循总量控制、结构优化(structural improvement)、提高质量、有序发展的原则,重点做好对已获牌机构的监管引导和整改规范,通过续展等监管措施实现优胜劣汰(survival of the fittest),同时鼓励有实力、可持续发展的中外资机构入场开展业务,鼓励通过兼并重组等方式实现支付机构结构优化。在开放顺序上,遵循先放开前端交易和结算(front-end trading and settlement),后放开后台清算的总体开放顺序。


数字支付方式 digital payment

快速回应码 Quick Response (QR) code

扫码打赏 tipping via QR code

二维码 two-dimensional code

矩阵条形码 matrix barcode

4. 消费革命

consumer revolution


China is experiencing a consumer revolution, according to an article published on the Financial Times. Alibaba and competitors such as JD.com are making e-commerce not merely efficient but entertaining.


今年"双十一(Double 11)",中国电商再次打破销售纪录。据悉,仅阿里巴巴和京东两家的交易额就达2953亿元,其中阿里巴巴1682亿元,京东1271亿元,轻松超过美国"黑色星期五(Black Friday)"和"网络星期一(Cyber Monday)"的销售额。《金融时报》称,"双十一"是"购物和娱乐节日的巅峰(the climax of a shopping and entertainment festival)。

文章认为,中国正经历的"消费革命(consumer revolution)"堪比18世纪发生在欧洲的消费革命,后者随19世纪百货商店(department store)的问世而达到巅峰。阿里巴巴和京东等公司提供了完整的购物体验(offer the entire experience of shopping),包括浏览和发现的乐趣(the fun of browsing and discovering)。阿里巴巴称其为"新零售(new retail)",即利用应用软件和增强现实(augmented reality)技术把电子商务与实体门店结合在一起。阿里巴巴首席市场官董本洪表示:"我确实相信购物是有乐趣的(I do believe shopping is fun)。当你打开盒子,你的心跳会加快一点(when you open the box, your heartbeat speeds up a little bit)。"


消费主义 consumerism

时装精品店 fashion boutique

奢华体验 lavish experience

倒计时晚会 countdown gala

5. 吉利钱

lucky money


Leonard Olijar, director of the US Bureau of Engraving and Printing, announced the release of the bureau's lucky money of the Year of the Dog 2018 to celebrate the upcoming Chinese Lunar Year of the Dog on Tuesday.


奥利雅尔在发布会上表示,狗年"吉利钱(lucky money)"是该局"吉利钱系列产品(Lucky Money Collection products)"之一。自2000年首次发布该系列产品以来,该局迄今已发布了29套产品,售出200万各种样式的"吉利钱"。奥利雅尔称,对于狗年"吉利钱"的发售他尤为兴奋,因为他本人就出生在狗年,美国总统特朗普也属狗(US President Donald Trump was also born in the Year of the Dog)。狗具有诚实和忠诚的特质(carry traits of loyalty and honesty),狗年出生的人极为友善、忠诚、聪慧、勤奋且责任感很强(extremely friendly, faithful, smart, industrious and have a strong sense of responsibility)。

狗年"吉利钱"沿用了往年的鎏金红色封套(red folder with embossed, gold foil)设计。内页右上方是一只脚踩金元宝(gold ingot)的狗,旁边印有"如意"、"戌岁平安"字样,左边除了繁体中文的"福禄寿喜临门金银财宝齐来",还有关于生肖狗年的英文介绍等。内页下方则是一张编号以"8888"开头的一美元纸币(a $1 note with a serial number beginning with"8888")。据称,狗年"吉利钱"售价5.95美元,总发行量为108888套,比往年多2万套,以满足亚裔美国人群体的需求(in order to satisfy the demand of the Asian-American community)。


红包 red envelop

压岁钱 gift money

纪念币 commemorative coin

特种邮票 special stamp

纪念钞 commemorative bank note
