罗切斯特大学的英文: n. 大学,综合性高等学府;大学师生员工 universal bevel Our university is tied up with an American University. A proctor's assistant at Oxford University or Cambridge University. General application or acceptance;universality. The university was founded by a millionaire philanthropist. 1. 罗切斯特市(美国明尼苏达州城市) These are oral histories taken from elderly people in Rochester. Rochester is now living in morose solitude at the lonely nearby manor of Ferndean rochester barely managed to get out of the burning house alive himself Rochester's manner to her becomes more gracious when she is obviously not cowed by his overbearing manner But her hopes are thwarted when Rochester begins going to parties in the neighborhood where he is courting the beautiful, frivolous Blanche Ingram. |