马克的英文: The Germans want to appreciate the Deutsche mark. Maksutov telescope Mark Twain edited a newspaper in missouri DM210 is equivalent to 400 RMB. Listen to the interview with Mr. Malcolm Lang Land and answer the following questions. Twain continued to amuse the American public with a seemingly inexhaustible store of wit and humor. Considering Mark’s significant background on reporting on Korean cinema this is definitely a list to take seriously. From the sassy Shoebox line to meditative Between you and Me cards, Hallmark covers the gamut in personal messages If we are to deal purely with Twain the humorist, we have to fall back upon the details of his art We went on a pub - crawl but as usual Mark couldn't stand the pace and was legless after four drinks. n. 符号;记号;分数,成绩;污点;迹象 v. 做记号;做标记;表明方位;标志;庆祝 Marking: Every package shall be marked with “SM” in diamond and marked the package number. impress a mark on [ upon ] a surface=impress a surface with a mark To mark or mottle with spots. mark one's cross Rogers was first off the mark. |