麦克唐纳的英文: Dr. Macdonald will be here later to attend to the dressings. I said to the girl,rather snootily:‘I have a trade,kiddo.I'm a detective’(Ross Macdonald) “All mirrors,” says George Macdonald. “The commonest room is a room in a poem when I look in the glass.” His real name is Mr Mac Donald,but he has the nickname"Mac. 麦克唐纳 An example of a franchise is the right to operate a McDonald's restaurant in a specific neighborhood. You can’t expect to make a place in the sun for yourself it you keep taking refuge under the family tree. ——Claude McDonald Why did McDonald's increase the price in China just because its worldwide profits are suffering? "Therefore, she said, McDonald's can respond accordingly by raising their prices." "Leng Xiwu, a senior engineer in Beijing, was surprised at McDonald's increasing its prices." |