克己的英文: To discipline(one's body and physical appetites)by self - denial or self - inflicted privation. And, withal, a life of privation, isolation, abnegation, chastity, with never a diversion Deny oneself; refuse oneself Discipline of the body and the appetites by self - denial or self - inflicted privation. Victorian attitudes to sexual morality,ie ones stressing self-control,family loyalty,etc He feared that they had never heard of necessity of self-denial and humility from any lips that could profit them His poem is not only self warning, also like posterity shows that he is a strict, honest clarity of self-denial king. v. 控制,限制;约束,阻止;抑制 The prisoner had to be restrained by the police. Common, stiff, simple and restrained A restrained rebuke,protest,discussion pron. 自己;亲自,自行 apologize for oneself pride oneself on embroil oneself in n. 拒绝,放弃 克己 自制 They discussed the abnegation of God. If love and friendship can't be together, I will abnegate the resultless love. Men with that capacity for self-abnegation do not reach a Presidency |