耐折的英文: Folding endurance: Measure of deterioration of paper along a constantly repeated fold. adj. 硬的,坚固的;困难的;有力的;冷酷无情的 adv. 努力地;困难地;严重地,猛烈地 It is hard to conclude. It is blowing hard. It was sleeting hard. To bear hard upon;press. press hard upon v. 折叠,对折;交叠;包;失败,垮台,关闭 n. 褶痕;褶皱;羊圈 Parallel fold: Folding a sheet with all the folds parallel to each other. Cross fold: A fold at right angles to the direction of the web. To coil or fold or cause to coil or fold in overlapping whorls. A wrinkle, ripple, or fold. The flap folds down. |