南风的英文: A south wind is blowing. The wind is in(ie blowing from) the south today. The south wind blows warm air across the country. For had it blown southerly I had been sure to have made the coast of Spain, and at least reached to the bay of Cadiz There 's a strong south breeze coming. Shortly after the disappearance of Judith, a light southerly air arose It was her best face physically that was now set against the south wind. n. 南风,正南强风 southerly是什么意思: a. 向南的,来自南方的 n. 南风 Admiralty forthwith deflected all our warships towards the more southerly route "The wind is blowing easterly. (Westerly, northerly, southerly, southwesterly) " Hamlet:I am but mad north - north - west:when the wind is southerly I know a hawk from a handsaw. |