弄假成真的英文:[Literal Meaning]make/false/become/trueFalseness becomes truth[解释]本来是假装的,结果却弄成了真的。[Explanation]What was make-believe has become reality[例子]他本来只想吓唬一下韩亮,但是没想到弄假成真,最后两个人真的打起来了。[Example]He had meant to scare Han Liang, but what was make-believe has become reality, eventually they had a fight with each other.
And these carried back to Sondra, along with certain embellishments by Constance, had the desired effect这些后来又传到桑德拉的耳朵里,加上康斯坦丝添枝加叶,就弄假成真了。
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