爬行速度的英文: v. 爬行,匍匐行进;拍马屁;缓慢行进,艰难前进 n. 爬行,匍匐行进;缓慢行进;自由式游泳 The crawl is considered the speediest. He openly crawled to the boss. The accident scene was crawling with police officers.My flesh crawled in horror. Don't crawl to your boss. Soldiers quietly crawl to advance to enemy. n. 速度,速率;快速,迅速 v. 迅速前进,快行;促进;加速,使加速 The speed of a train differs greatly from the speed of an airplane The car is gaining speed. The worker is timing the speed of the machine. a dizzy height, speed Speed the parting guest |