叱咤风云的英文: [Literal Meaning] roar/wind/cloud One's roar can change the direction of wind and clouds.
[解释] 叱咤:愤怒斥责的声音。形容威力、声势极大。
[Explanation] to have extraordinary strength, power and spirit
[例子] 这位老将军在年轻的时候叱咤风云,建立了很多战功。
[Example] When he was young, the old general was all-powerful and fulfilled meritorious military service.
[英文等价词] to ride the whirlwind 参考例句:
General Macarthur was all-powerful during World War II. 麦克阿瑟将军在第二次世界大战时叱咤风云。 |