眼中钉的英文: [Literal Meaning] eye/inside/nail a nail in the eye
[解释] 比喻心中最厌恶、最痛恨的人。
[Explanation] (of someone) to be hated very much
[例子] 自从上次在办公室和她吵架之后,她一直把我当成眼中钉。
[Example] After I quarreled with her in the office last time, she has been regarding me as a thorn in the flesh.
[英文等价词] a thorn in someone's side a thorn in the flesh eye-sore eyesore 参考例句:
To pull out the sting in one’s eye. 拔去眼中钉。 He is a thorn in my side. 他是我的眼中钉。 Professor Emerson Sillerton was a thorn in the side of newport society. 爱默森?西勒顿教授是新港上流社会的眼中钉。 The cashier was Martin’s black-beast, and his temper was a trifle short where the talker of platitudes was concerned. 这位出纳是马丁的眼中钉,只消一提起这个满口陈词滥调的人,他就有点压不住火。 A relentless campaigner,he was a thorn in the government's side for a number of years. 他是一个不留情面的活动家,几年来一直是政府的眼中钉肉中刺。 |