演变过程的英文: These principles will be illustrated by the following transition. In Tang Dynasty, land proprietary right changed from public to private. The big stages are from wild wheat, to emmer, to bred wheat, to agriculture. adj. 进化的,渐进的 Evolutionary theory has its use. Similar in function but not in structure and evolutionary origin. Less advanced in organization or evolutionary development. Man has mounted the evolutionary ladder at a gallop. The resemblance of families such as the Verbenaceae and labiate is the result of evolutionary convergence n. 过程,进程;步骤,工序;程序;进行,推移 v. 处理;加工;列队行进 adj. 经过特殊加工(或处理)的 Each new UNIX process is the spawn of an existing process. Inputs to a process are generally outputs of other processes. This is the leap once of process of cognition. To subject to the process of division. The art or process of making such a composition. |