棋盘的英文: They got out the chess-board and arranged the pieces. She set out the pieces on the chess-board. The checkered pattern of that suspender recurred incessantly to his mind A Japanese game for two, played with counters on a board that is ruled with19 vertical and19 horizontal lines 32 dominoes can cover the whole chess board The idea of the game is to get all your pieces to the other side of the board. However, when you started, the cards on the diagonal were the wrong way up compared to the chessboard pattern. The facade of the building was checkerboarded with black and white tiles. We set up the pieces, and when the board was ready he considered it with a comfortable eye. Some squares he cannot reach at all since he cannot move backward. n. 西洋棋;棋子;棋盘 I was very glad to convene them all together one afternoon at Chequers His chequered rule--he was twice expelled from Athens-- was a period of great prosperity and culture 20-year-old Suzuki rider Reynard held off the challenge of compatriot Larry Ward to take the chequered flag before 16000 fans. |