僵尸牛的英文: Zombie Bull launches Zombie Bull Rider deep into your defenses. n. 行尸走肉;麻木迟钝的人;僵尸 Gargantuar is a gigantic zombie. Chicken Wrangler Zombie will release a flock of Zombie Chickens when damaged. Zombie Bull launches Zombie Bull Rider deep into your defenses. Jalapenos destroy an entire lane of zombies. Garlic diverts zombies into other lanes. n. 公牛;大型雄性动物;粗壮如牛的人;多头;胡说八道 adj. 雄的;大型的;公牛似的;价格上涨的 v. 猛挤;强力实现;吓唬;吹牛;(使)价格上涨,哄抬证券价格;提高身价 They are all bulls. Some are bulling shares. Like a red rag to a Bull Take the Bull by the horns Take the bull by the horns. |