僵硬的英文: It may progress to back and limb pain, muscle tenderness, and stiff neck. A shallow, greenish light slanted down through a veil of fog and snow upon a treeless, deathly rigid landscape To cause to stand erect like bristles;stiffen. Stiff and awkward(in one's manner) A stiff neck (arm,etc.) He walked with angular strides. He maintains a rigidly right-wing political stance. Massage helps relieve the tension in one's muscles. His face looked rigid with distress. The government's stubborn attitude was a block to further talks. adj. 荒凉的;光秃秃的;刻板的;僵硬的;朴实的;完全的 adv. 完全地;明显地 stark staring mad He was struck by the stark desert landscape. His actions were in stark contrast to his words. The wastelands on the eastern side of the Caspian Sea are amazingly stark. But the stark songs they decorated were bleak, unsettling. adj. 坚硬的;僵硬的;呆板的;拘谨的;生硬的;强劲的,猛烈的;严厉的;艰难的adv. 彻底地,极度地 n. 死尸;笨蛋;令人讨厌者;劳动者;吝啬鬼;流通票据 v. 诈骗;亏待侍者 stiff resistance That was a stiff climb. You really are a stiff. The invaders encountered stiff opposition. An extremely stiff, erect posture. |