杞人忧天的英文: [Literal Meaning] man from Qi Kingdom/worry/sky The man of Qi who was haunted by the fear that the sky might fall.
[解释] 形容不必要的、缺乏根据的忧虑和担心。
[Explanation] uncalled-for worry
[例子] 你这简直就是杞人忧天,他学习那么好怎么会通不过考试呢?
[Example] You are actually grossly overblown. He is so good at his study, so why can't he pass the exam?
[英文等价词] to cross a bridge before one comes to it meet trouble halfway 参考例句:
Fear is often greater than the danger 杞人忧天 unnecessary worry;neurotic worry;The man of Chi worried in case the sky should fall 杞人忧天 Groundless worries or anxiety 杞人忧天 Don't cross the Bridge till you get to it 不要杞人忧天 Don't cross a Bridge till you come to it 勿杞人忧天;船到桥头自然直 He just met trouble halfway. 他不过是杞人忧天。 You're also too much of a worry wart. 你有些杞人忧天哦。 My fear seemed well-founded. A few weeks before my due date, Mother lapsed into a deep coma. 我并非杞人忧天。在预产期的前几周,母亲就陷入深度昏迷之中。 |