起劲的英文: They all played vigorously. She wiped vigorously but the stain remained. Keep your pecker up.Things are bound to improve next week. Your lack of interest will work against you when your employer gets to know. Pull your socks up. In spite of my efforts the Boy remained passive. For all the frenzied activity and gung-ho talk, it may be some time before we wee the promise of the new techniques. As the hounds hit the fresh scent, they howled, and Rainsford knew how an animal at bay feels. He paused, dispirited despite his effort to get a cheerful note into his voice Mr. Giovanelli bade him farewell with a too emphatic flourish of the hat. adv. 活泼地;精力充沛地;用力地 She was a fresh and vigorous woman. He was a vigorous, brisk person. He is a vigorous young man. ad. 精力充沛地,积极地 He is an energetic tennis player. This world belongs to the energetic The elderly man is quite energetic. adv. 热心地,满腔热情地 Paul was an enthusiast. They acknowledged the enthusiastic plaudits of the crowd. In these matters Olympias was an expert and an enthusiast |