穷兵黩武的英文: [Literal Meaning] use up/military/abuse/violence to use all armed might to indulge in aggressive wars
[解释] 穷:竭尽;黩:随便,任意。随意使用武力,不断发动战争。形容极其好战。
[Explanation] to adopt a warlike policy
[例子] 皇帝穷兵黩武,不断发动战争造成国家很贫穷,人民很不满。
[Example] The emperor used all armed might to indulge in aggressive wars and kept waging wars, which made the country very poor and the people very dissatisfied. 参考例句:
Wage sanguinary wars;militaristic and aggressive(policy) 穷兵黩武 Militarism breeds in armies 军国主义造成穷兵黩武。 Hitler was a deep-dyed villain to most 大多数人视希特勒为一穷兵黩武的混世魔王。 I do not say this in any spirit of bravado or belligerence 我说这句话并不是虚张声势,也不是穷兵黩武。 I do not say this in any spirit of bravado or belligerence. 我说这句话并不是虚张声势,也不是穷兵黩武。 |