即位的英文: Ascend [mount, come to, sit on, take] the throne Ascend the throne,ie become king or queen She acceded to the throne in 1952. Queen Elizabeth II succeeded to the throne in 1952. Queen Elizabeth came to the throne in 1952. He inherited vast estates on his accession to the throne. The queen was enthroned in the city's most ancient church. We watched the Royal procession on Jubilee Day. In Year 9, it seems that Akhenaton held a further jubilee of himself and Aton The first regnalyear of George V was from May 6, 1910 to May 5, 1911. n. 就职;即位;到达;增加(物);正式加入 accessible roof accessible position The processor accesses the cache before accessing the main memory. Click here to access the site and bookmark it for future access. To gain admittance or access. n. 即位,登极典礼,就任主教的仪式 It is the first enthronement since 1928. The queen was enthroned in the city's most ancient church. He was a ruler enthroned in the hearts of his subjects. They wanted to help their russian brethren to enthrone socialism. The young woman in the yard was plaiting a mat, seated on the long stretch of it already accomplished where she seemed enthroned on virgin snow or on a fleecy cloud. |