渠床稳定性的英文: n. 稳定(性);坚定 The chief issue of stabilizing the economy is how to stabilize prices. A stabilized economy is a determining factor in stabilizing the political situation. It is possible to overstate the benefits of stabilization. n. 运河;水道;管道;气管;食道 v. 在…开凿运河;疏导 Canalize:To furnish with or convert into a canal or canals. At evening by the sour canals The chamber formed by a canal lock. n. 床,睡眠处;睡觉;(海、河、湖等的)底部;苗床 v. 把...安置在;为…提供住宿(床位);睡,卧 Procrustean bed Bed rest is more like bed agony. It has bedded into the deepest crevices of the store. |