权威性的英文: For all its power and commanding influence, the social gospel movement was a development in urban Protestantism. To forbid or prohibit authoritatively. This is a standard map. Her voice was crisp and authoritative. Assert one's authority,independence,rights They acquire authority from their predictive power. An authoritative or dogmatic statement or decree. An official or authoritarian declaration; a proclamation or an edict. the pope speaking ex cathedra;ex cathedra determinations. The arBiter will have the last say in resolving this dispute. adj. 专断的,权威式的;权威的当局的 Her voice was crisp and authoritative. Is this an authoritative order or a personal request? It is a most authoritive locus on a subject. n. 所有;持有物;所有财产 having or as if having especially high-pitched spots. The gap between the haves and the have-nots is widening. From saving comes having n. 权力;行政管理机构;当局;当权者;权威;权威人士;威信;许可;授权书 The authority is not reasonable. A person in authority, with authority, speaks slowly. Do you have the balls to challenge authority? |