机关报的英文: The ministerial journal The newspaper is the mouthpiece of the government. n. 官员,行政人员;裁判员,执法人 adj. 官方的,法定的,正式的;公务的,公职的;冠冕堂皇的;官员的 Babbitt was an official delegate. He is an important official in the government. It is a scandal for officials to take bribes. n. 政府;政体;行政管理 The earliest civilized governments were thus priestly governments He qualified for a government grant. The government will not task the people in this item. v.[I] 1.作业,工作;运转,运行 2.活动;行事 3.起作用;发生影响 4.产生理想的效果,见效 5.动手术 6.作战;执行任务 7.从事证券交易 8.以不正常手段谋生 v.[T] 1.操作,操纵,控制;使用(机器等) 2.经营,管理;办;实行 3.对...动手术 4.引起,产生 The operator O is the null operator. They are computer operators. monitor operator |