人力资源管理的英文: She was involved in HR practices and handled approximately 200 employees of the organization. n. 人,人类 adj. 人类的;有人性的;人本性的 It is the most humane. Human Resource Department is responsible for human resource management. The accident was caused by human error. n. 1.[C] 资源,财力 2.[C] 有助于实现目标的东西;资料 3.(resources)[pl.] 勇气,才智,谋略 Human Resource Department is responsible for human resource management. The cluster resource could not be created in the specified resource monitor. He is a man of great resource. n. (企业等的)管理,经营;主管;手腕 An assistant manager is inferior to a manager. To manage;contrive. They managed this trick. |